11月17日(日)「Maelstrom マエルストロム」映画上映+哲学対話

2022年 / カラー / HD / 日本 / 79分 / English Subtitled
「maelstrom」とは、大渦巻きや大混乱を意味する。この映画は、監督した山岡自身に起きた、逃れられない絶望的な大混乱の渦を見つめた日々の記録を79分にまとめたエッセイ・ドキュメンタリー。2016年から制作を始めた本作は、事故から20年後の2022年に完成。2022年 ピッツバーグ大学の日本ドキュメンタリー映画賞グランプリ、東京ドキュメンタリー映画祭2022、PORT FEMME INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2023、NIPPON CONNECTION 2023、JAPANNUAL2023など、5つの国内外の映画祭にて正式出品、2023年度キネマ旬報文化映画部門5位に選出された。

イベントページ https://mae241117.peatix.com/
本イベントでは、第1部で映画『Maelstrom マエルストロム』の上映、第2部では本作を監督/制作した山岡瑞子監督、子ども達や地域での哲学対話を全国の教育機関や図書館などで実践されている河野哲也氏、自殺対策の一環である「ゲートキーパー養成」に従事され、広く研修や講義活動をされている森本美花氏をファシリテーターにお迎えし、哲学対話を通して上映作品について振り返り、関連のあるトピックについて、来場者それぞれの体験や考えを共有します。
隈研吾建築設計事務所による木造建築のMPP Totsuka独特の、角を中央に配置した壁面に映し出される映像で、フラットなスクリーンとは異質の臨場感ある映像体験をお届けします。壇上から一方通行的に上映/トークをするのではなく、哲学対話(話し、聴き、より深く考えていく)の時間を持つことで、より深く鑑賞者と考えを共有・理解出来ると確信し、企画しました。皆さまのご参加を、心よりお待ちしております。
14:00 開場
15:50〜16:00 休憩
17:20〜17:30 まとめ
〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町4247-21地下1階 ▷Google Map

山岡 瑞子
映画作家/アーティスト。1998年渡米。2002年Pratt Institute(NY)卒業直後、事故に遭い帰国。中途障害者・帰国者の立場からの制作方法を模索する。2016年、バルセロナで初短編ドキュメンタリー制作。BankART AIR 2021への参加を経て、22年初長編ドキュメンタリー映画『Maelstromマエルストロム』完成。ピッツバーグ大学 Japan Documentary Film Award 2022受賞。第23回ニッポン・コネクション他、オーストリア・ウィーンで開催されたJapannual 2023など、国内外の映画祭で上映され、23年12月に横浜で先行上映。第97回キネマ旬報文化映画ベスト・テン第5位選出。2023年度ACYアーティスト・フェロー。

Mizuko Yamaoka
Sunday 17th November 2024: “Maelstrom” Film Screening + Philosophical Dialogue
-A philosophical dialogue that begins with Maelstrom (Great Chaos)-
In early June 2002, Mizuko, a foreign student who had graduated from an art school in New York and was planning to stay there for another year was involved in an accident on her way to the bank. When she suddenly loses her normal life and returns to a place where time no longer exists, what keeps her true self? Suddenly, she becomes a party to the accident, and in the midst of the chaos, she begins to record her changed daily life. Praying to reconnect with her pre-accident self and reach the place she is looking for.

Director, cinematographer, editor, and narrator: Mizuko Yamaoka
Cinematography: Kodai Honda, Koichi Hirano, Tomoko Takahashi
Music: Aya Oshida
2022 / Color / HD / Japan / 79 min / English Subtitled
This film is a 79-minute essay documentary that compiles a daily record of director Yamaoka’s observations of the inescapable and hopeless maelstrom that happened to her. The film, which began production in 2016, completed in 2022, 20 years after the accident. It was officially selected for five domestic and international film festivals, including the Grand Prix at the University of Pittsburgh Japanese Documentary Film Awards, Tokyo Documentary Film Festival 2022, PORT FEMME INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2023, NIPPON CONNECTION 2023, and JAPANNUAL 2023, and was selected as the 5th place in the 2023 Kinema Junpo Award Cultural Films category.

Event page: https://mae241117.peatix.com/
In the first part of this event, we will screen the film “Maelstrom”, and in the second part, we will welcome the facilitators Mizuko Yamaoka, who directed and produced the film, Tetsuya Kouno, who practices philosophical dialogue with children and local communities at educational institutions and libraries nationwide, and Mihana Morimoto, who is engaged in “gatekeeper training” as part of suicide prevention and conducts training and lectures widely, as facilitators. Through philosophical dialogue, we will look back on the film and share each visitor’s experiences and thoughts on related topics.
The imagery projected on the walls of MPP Totsuka, a wooden building by Kengo Kuma & Associates, with the corner stage, will provide a realistic video experience that is different from a flat screen. We planned this event because we believe that by having time for philosophical dialogue (talking, listening, and thinking more deeply) rather than one-way screening/talk from the stage, we can share and understand thoughts with the audience more deeply. We look forward to your participation.
〈Date and time〉
Sunday 17 November 2024
14:00 Door open
14:30〜15:50【Part 1】Screening of ‘Maelstrom’
15:50〜16:00 Break
16:00〜17:20【Part 2】Philosophical dialogue
17:20〜17:30 Summary
4247-21 Totsukachō, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-0003 ▷Google Map

Mizuko Yamaoka
Filmmaker / artist. Moved to the United States in 1998. Immediately after graduating from Pratt Institute (NY) in 2002, she was involved in an accident and returned to Japan. She is exploring production methods from the perspective of people with disabilities and returnees. In 2016, she produced her first short documentary in Barcelona. After participating in BankART AIR 2021, she completed her first feature-length documentary film, Maelstrom, in 2022. She won the Japan Documentary Film Award 2022 from the University of Pittsburgh. Her work has been screened at film festivals both in Japan and abroad, including the 23rd Nippon Connection and Japannual 2023 in Vienna, Austria, and will be screened in advance in Yokohama in December 2023. She was selected as the 5th place winner of the 97th Kinema Junpo Award Cultural Films Top Ten. She is an ACY Artist Fellow for 2023.
Organised by maelstromfilm
Supported by Arts Commission Yokohama